A Very Merry Madrigal SSA

Based on a Traditional Glouchester Carol, words and music by Douglas E. Wagner

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Artikelnummer 00-28480
Erschienen im Februar 2008

Instrument/e: Chor
Produktformat: Chorausgabe

Reihe: Alfred Choral Designs

Mindestabnahme 10

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A Very Merry Madrigal SSA

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Greet seasonal concertgoers with this festive original sung in the madrigal style. Joyful (and mostly step wise) "fa la la" refrains are sung following each of two welcoming verses, arranged with slightly different choral colors the second time. A wonderful Renaissance inspired SoundTrax sets the early music tone, or consider playing the keyboard part on a harpsichord synthesizer.
ErschienenFeb 2008
Autor/enBased on a Traditional Glouchester Carol, words and music by Douglas E. Wagner
ReiheAlfred Choral Designs
GenreMadrigal; Multicultural; Secular
Publisher GroupALFRED
Status CodeREL