'Cross the Wide Missouri

Music by Don Besig and Nancy Price

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Artikelnummer 00-21122
Erschienen im April 2002

ISBN-10 3808120043

Instrument/e: Chor
Produktformat: Chorausgabe

Reihe: Alfred Archive Edition: Alfred Choral Designs

Mindestabnahme 10

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'Cross the Wide Missouri

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What a wonderful pairing of two best-loved folk songs: Shenandoah and The Water is Wide. The fluid vocal lines will develop your choir's tone and control. Add the flowing piano accompaniment and the optional flute obbligato, and the result is a choral masterpiece from Don Besig and Nancy Price.
ErschienenApr 2002
Autor/enMusic by Don Besig and Nancy Price
ReiheAlfred Archive Edition: Alfred Choral Designs
GenreFolk; Secular
Publisher GroupALFRED
InstrumentenfamilieOpt. Flute
Status CodeREL