Accidentals on Purpose

By David W. Barber / illus. Dave Donald

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Artikelnummer 99-0980916720
Erschienen im Oktober 2014

ISBN-10 0980916720
ISBN-13 9780980916720

Produktformat: Buch

Reihe: Indent Publishing

Accidentals on Purpose

Cover-Vollansicht mit Doppelklick auf Abbildung oben

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A hilarious collection of musical definitions by David W. Barber, the internationally best-selling author of Bach, Beethoven and the Boys, When the Fat Lady Sings, and other internationally best-selling books of musical humor. An offbeat and irreverent compendium, from Aida to Zzzz. With a preface by Yehudi Menuhin and with illustrations by Dave Donald.
ErschienenOkt 2014
Autor/enBy David W. Barber / illus. Dave Donald
ReiheIndent Publishing
GenreMasterwork Arrangement
Publisher GroupALFRED
Status CodeREL