Variations on Annie Laurie for Trombone and Piano

By Alicia Anne Scott / arr. Arthur Pryor and Glenn E. Smith

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Artikelnummer 36-10530185
Erschienen im September 2020

ISBN-10 1621564339
ISBN-13 9.78162E+12

Instrument/e: Trombone Solo and Piano
Produktformat: Buch

Reihe: LudwigMasters

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Variations on Annie Laurie for Trombone and Piano

Cover-Vollansicht mit Doppelklick auf Abbildung oben

A popular Trombone solo feature that is challenging yet playable. Glenn P. Smith, Instructor of Trombone and Baritone at the University of Michigan School of Music has revised and arranged this famous solo by Arthur Pryor.
ErschienenSep 2024
Autor/enBy Alicia Anne Scott / arr. Arthur Pryor and Glenn E. Smith
Publisher GroupKEISER
Instrument/eTrombone Solo and Piano
InstrumentenfamilieTrombone Solo and Piano
Status CodeNYP