24 Negro Melodies, Op. 59, Bk. 1

By Samuel Coleridge-Taylor

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Artikelnummer 36-M304191
Erschienen im September 2020

ISBN-10 162156326X
ISBN-13 9.78162E+12

Produktformat: Partitur & Stimmen

Reihe: Master Piano Series

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24 Negro Melodies, Op. 59, Bk. 1

The transcription of melodies contained in this collection has been praised as "the most complete expression of Mr. Coleridge-Taylor's native bent and power." Using native songs of Africa and the West Indies with those that came into being in America during slavery, he has preserved their distinctive characteristics and individuality, while giving them an art form fully infused with their musical essence.
ErschienenSep 2024
Autor/enBy Samuel Coleridge-Taylor
ReiheMaster Piano Series
Publisher GroupKEISER
ProduktformatPartitur & Stimmen
InstrumentenfamilieSolo Piano
Status CodeNYP