Medailles Antiques

By Philippe Gaubert

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Artikelnummer 36-M394491
Erschienen im September 2020

ISBN-10 163361834X
ISBN-13 9.78163E+12

Instrument/e: Flöte
Produktformat: Buch

Reihe: Master Chamber Series

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Medailles Antiques

This trio evokes images found on a pair of "medailles antiques" (ancient medallions).  Nymphes a la fontaine (Nymphs at the Spring) opens with closely interlocking figures divided amon the flute, violin and piano, effectively evoking the glitter and splash of a bubbling spring - and reminding us that Gaubert learned a thing or two from his great compatriots Ravel and Debussy.  The nymphs are depicted in languid, sensuous violin solos, abetted intermittently by the flute.  The piano's proposal of a Danse vif (Lively Dance) is first ignored, then taken up by the violin and finally by the flute, in a playful, light-footed conclusion.  Editor Fenwick Smith has intervened in the text as little as possible, correcting obvious errors and inconsistencies, but adding no further suggestions as to style or interpretation.
ErschienenSep 2024
Autor/enBy Philippe Gaubert
ReiheMaster Chamber Series
Publisher GroupKEISER
InstrumentenfamilieFlute, Violin and Piano
Status CodeNYP