Pro Art Saxophone Method, Book II

Donald J. Pease

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13,95 €
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Artikelnummer 00-PROBK00790
Erschienen im März 1985

ISBN-10 0769228763
ISBN-13 9780769228761

Instrument/e: Saxophon
Produktformat: Buch

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Pro Art Saxophone Method, Book II

Cover-Vollansicht mit Doppelklick auf Abbildung oben

The purpose in compiling this method is to give the student a thorough, interesting, and progressive approach to the fundamentals of good playing. The author has intentionally tried not to cover too much ground; but rather to concentrate on the acquisition of a thorough musical background as a solid foundation in the basic fundamentals.
ErschienenMärz 1985
Autor/enDonald J. Pease
Publisher GroupWARNER
Status CodeTMP