15 Cello Duets

By Lynne Latham

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Artikelnummer 36-52731051
Erschienen im September 2020

ISBN-10 1628760133
ISBN-13 9.78163E+12

Instrument/e: Cello
Produktformat: Buch

Reihe: Latham Music

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15 Cello Duets

Includes works by Bach, Handel, Telemann. Viola to 3rd position, shifting in cello through 4th position. Compatible with 15 Duets for Viola and Cello (52701323).
ErschienenSep 2024
Autor/enBy Lynne Latham
ReiheLatham Music
Publisher GroupKEISER
InstrumentenfamilieCello Duet
Status CodeNYP