Both Sides Now SATB

Words and music by Joni Mitchell / arr. John Leavitt

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Artikelnummer 00-48393
Erschienen im Januar 2020

Instrument/e: Chor
Produktformat: Chorausgabe

Reihe: Alfred Pop Choral Series

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Both Sides Now SATB

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Recorded and performed by more than fifty artists in the fifty-plus years since its initial release, this Joni Mitchell song has become an enduring meditation on the shifting perspective that comes with time. The melody passes generously from part to part across a shimmering palette of choral harmonies. John Leavitt provides a piano accompaniment that adds texture and color while fully supporting the voices.
ErschienenJan 2020
Autor/enWords and music by Joni Mitchell / arr. John Leavitt
ReiheAlfred Pop Choral Series
GenreClassic Pop; Secular
Publisher GroupALFRED
Status CodeNYP