
By Richard Meyer

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Artikelnummer 00-29722S
Erschienen im Februar 2008

Instrument/e: Streichorchester
Produktformat: Partitur

Reihe: Highland/Etling String Orchestra

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As the title suggests, a driving, rhythmic pulse permeates throughout this contemporary original selection by Richard Meyer. The piece incorporates two diverse moods---a highly rhythmic first section in B Minor, built on rising and falling thirds, followed by a simple chorale in folk-song style presented first in the violins and then passed throughout the ensemble. As this slow section winds down, the energy is once again established with the re-introduction of earlier material. The chorale is then heard again, this time coupled with the energetic figures that started the piece. A great choice for your next concert or contest, "Momentum" provides a wide variety of outstanding teaching opportunities while using a fresh "new" sound that your students will love! (5:30)
ErschienenFeb 2008
Autor/enBy Richard Meyer
ReiheHighland/Etling String Orchestra
Publisher GroupALFRED
InstrumentenfamilieOrchester & Kapelle
Status CodeS/I

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