The New Basics: Rock Bass

By Sharon Ray

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Artikelnummer 00-39256
Erschienen im August 2012

ISBN-10 0739088858
ISBN-13 9780739088852

Instrument/e: Bassgitarre
Produktformat: Buch & CD

Reihe: The New Basics

The New Basics: Rock Bass

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Learning to play bass is not about studying---it's about playing---so it should be FUN! If you're looking to rock out, do you want to spend hours trying to figure out how to read music, and then plunk away at "The Old Gray Mare?" We didn't think so. No, we think you should play right away. Start with simple concepts like holding the bass and plucking a string, then move on to more advanced topics like building your own bass lines, arpeggios, basic theory, and warm-up exercises. In short, this is not your dad's bass method. Pick up that bass, open this book, and PLAY!
ErschienenAug 2012
Autor/enBy Sharon Ray
ReiheThe New Basics
Publisher GroupALFRED
ProduktformatBuch & CD
Status CodeREL

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