Belwin Master Solos, Volume 1 (Clarinet)

Ed. Keith Snell

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Artikelnummer 00-EL03408
Erschienen im April 1988

ISBN-10 0769222021
ISBN-13 9780769222028

Instrument/e: Klarinette
Produktformat: Buch

Reihe: Belwin Master Solos

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Belwin Master Solos, Volume 1 (Clarinet)

Cover-Vollansicht mit Doppelklick auf Abbildung oben

Part of the Belwin Master Solos series and prepared under the direction of Keith Snell, each of these folios contains a collection of graded solos that should prove to be a useful source for both student and teacher. Each folio contains works from the Renaissance, Baroque, and Classical periods, folk songs and traditional tunes, and a section of original compositions. For the student, these solos will provide material with specific challenges in rhythm, range, and key signatures in music that is both instructive and enjoyable to perform. Each solo has been selected and arranged to challenge the student in different areas of technique and musicianship while providing exposure to a variety of musical styles that are enjoyable to perform. In addition, special attention has been given to creating accompaniments that are easy to play yet at the same time add interest to the solo parts. Available in easy, intermediate, and advanced levels as are the Belwin Master Duets. Contains: Abendlied (Evening Song) Op. 85, No. 12 (Schumann) * Allegretto Grazioso op. 13, No. 3 (Schubert) * Bouree (Babell) * Honor and Arms from Samson (Handel) * Lullaby Op. 124, No. 16 (Schumann) * Nocturne (Tyndall) * Rondo (Stamitz).
ErschienenApr 1988
Autor/enEd. Keith Snell
ReiheBelwin Master Solos
Publisher GroupWARNER
InstrumentenfamiliePiano Acc.
Status CodeREL

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