Edwards-Hovey Method for Cornet or Trumpet, Book I

By Austyn R. Edwards and Nilo W. Hovey

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Artikelnummer EL00077
Erschienen im März 1985

ISBN-10 0769222153
ISBN-13 9780769222158

Instrument/e: Trompete
Produktformat: Buch

Edwards-Hovey Method for Cornet or Trumpet, Book I

Cover-Vollansicht mit Doppelklick auf Abbildung oben

The aim of the Edwards-Hovey Method for cornet or trumpet is to develop a method in which the material is arranged logically from the standpoint of (a) Rhythmic development, (b) gradual extension of the range, and (c) development of finger dexterity. Melodies have been selected which adapt themselves easily to correct phrasing, and exercises, while in keeping with limited range and technical ability of the beginning pupil, have been made as melodious as possible, avoiding monotonous and constant repetition of rhythmic patterns.
ErschienenMärz 1985
Autor/enBy Austyn R. Edwards and Nilo W. Hovey
Publisher GroupALFGB
Status CodeREL

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